Duration of stay in Germany
When you initially arrive in Germany, you will be granted a short-term visa. As long as you’re in the Schengen Zone (which includes most EU countries, Lichtenstein and Norway, and Iceland) for at least 90 days during 180 days you don’t need an initial entrance visa.
Permanent Residency in Germany
You’ll need a different form of visa if you wish to remain in Germany for more than 90 days or if you want to work. After a time, you may decide to apply for more permanent immigration status. In most situations, you must have resided in Germany for an extended length of time before you can apply for permanent residence, which is somewhere between a work visa and German citizenship. It’s important to note that permanent residency in Germany does not provide you with the right to free movement across the European Union.
Permanent residence in Germany for EU citizens
You don’t need a visa to work or study in Germany if you are an EU citizen. But if you want to remain for more than three months, you will need to show that you can support yourself and your family financially without relying on public assistance. As a European citizen after five years of living and working in Germany, you may apply for permanent residence. The German government bureaucracy is simpler to deal with if you have German residence papers.
Obtaining Permanent Residency in Germany
It all depends on how you want to get permanent status. Your card may take up to eight weeks to arrive after you’ve completed all of your paperwork, depending on how complicated your case is. Applicants seeking permanent residence in Germany must have a university or college degree and have resided in Germany for four years to qualify. Applicants must also meet other criteria, such as having a B1 or B2 level of German proficiency as well as possessing suitable living quarters for their families. Two years after graduating from a German university, you may apply for permanent residence. Requirements for language proficiency and time in Germany might be waived for researchers and academics with highly precise credentials.
Connect with Pear Visa if you wish to discuss more with a qualified immigration consultant in Germany.
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